Tuesday, October 28, 2008

More Days Missing

Once again I've fallen short of my goal to write in my blog everyday. BLAH!

Sunday was nice. We missed the whole "fall back" time change so when we went to Mass we arrived an hour early. No worries. We found a cute coffee shop and had a little "more" breakfast before heading to church. Mass was wonderful as always. Logan gets distracted when Connor and Chris are around but he was better toward the end. Connor fell asleep which is always good as he is a screamer and yeller. He likes to hear the echo. It's okay at the Cathedral though Arch Bishop Flynn addressed Connor during his Homily once which was really cute. Arch Bishop Flynn loves loves loves kids. He couldn't care less if kids screamed during the entire Mass. This is very cool.

Anyway, I've got pictures this time but sadly they are in the camera but I will post this week.

Logan and I took a short bike ride later in the evening which was nice. It was cold cold cold for sure.

Monday Logan went back to school. It was hard for everyone to get up well except Connor. He always gets up early. Logan had a good day and was happy to see his friends. We got homework done and checked played some indoor soccer and a little Pokemon before heading to bed. It rained all day so poor Connor and I were stuck inside but he had fun practicing his walking. Connor helped me do some laundry and cleaning of the flat. He's quite the helper. Now if I could only get Logan to help me too.

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