Monday, October 6, 2008


I think the absolutely best stain remover is SHOUT. I've been battling my wash machine here in Berlin since we got it oh a month or so ago. I can't seem to find the right setting or the right detergent. Well I finally found a decent setting on the machine. I wash everything on the sportswear setting. Weird that a wash machine has that type of setting but that's okay. There are others that I can't read and Babelfish has no idea either. I stay away from those (at least for now). I can wash my clothing in cold no problem but was having a hard time getting stains out that I had not had problems with in the US. I found a passable substitute for SHOUT at the Bio Company. I also went online and found that lemon juice, vinegar and the sun are good at getting stains out too.

So I was sad and frustrated that I couldn't get this blueberry stain out and I asked my wonderful Mother to send me some SHOUT. She sent me TWO and a OXY stick pen. Oh JOY! Now even old stains are coming out after a couple of washes. Oh boy oh boy LIFE IS GOOD!!!


Thanks again Mom for sending :-)

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