Saturday, July 3, 2010

Two Years Today


It's been a long while since I wrote anything and well today/tomorrow is our 2nd anniversary living in Berlin, Germany.

I can't believe we've been here two years already. It went so very fast.

What's new? FYI. I'm going to randomly spew! :-) Also didn't spell or grammar check. I'm too tired and hot.

Well Chris got a job two weeks ago at Mister Spex's an Internet company. They sell eye glasses. Check them out here

We are very excited that Chris got a job just in the nic of time. It will allow us to stay here just a bit longer.

Jennifer is working freelance as a web developer. I got my work permit about 3 weeks ago. I'm working hard to find new clients. At the moment I have one that I'm working on. Check it out here This is just a test site. Jan's website will go live at the end of July at

Logan just finished 4th grade at the JFK School. He'll be attending "Fun" camp for the first 2 weeks of vacation. Fun camp is sponsored by the JFK after school program. They've got a lot of fun adventures planned for the kids. I'm a little jealous. Logan will go back to JFK in the fall for 5th grade on August 23rd I think it is. Only 6 weeks off but he gets a lot of time off during the year so this schedule isn't too bad.

Connor is attending the Friedenau Kinderhaus, an all German Kita (kindergarten/nursery school). He'll have 3 weeks off beginning July 12th. He's doing great over there and learning lots and lots of German words. It's fun to hear him finally speak. Chris and I were a bit worried as he didn't say much we understood, but now the words are flowing. I guess we just had to be patient. For gosh sakes he's learning two languages at once.

Chris and I aren't big TV sports watchers but have been enjoying watching the World Cup games. Today Germany just kicked Argentina's ASS. GO TEAM GERMANY!!!

Jennifer is finally reading all the Harry Potter books. They are just great but I'm slow to read the 5th book "The Order of the Phoenix". Just haven't had the time to read lately. I need to read all the books before the new movie comes out in November. Hope I can do it.

Jennifer can't wait to see "Twilight Eclipse". Yes groan if you like. I enjoyed the books very much especially "Breaking Dawn". Will go with my friend Annerose when she gets back from Norway. GO TEAM EDWARD!!!

My Mother celebrated her 80th birthday this past April! Happy Birthday Mom! Now get on a plane and come visit us so we can celebrate Berlin style. We are ready to go on an Italian adventure too!

Weather is HOT HOT HOT here in Berlin. Don't much care for it. Our flat has been rather cool so we are thankful for that. No one has air here. Not even sure how you would work it with these windows. I've seen air conditioners at Bauhaus (like a Menards or Home Depot) so if this hot weather continues and becomes too hot we may have to break down and get one. Probably start with a fan first.

Our friends Becki and John Fiegel just welcomed their two twins; Veronica and Colin. Only 28 weeks gestation and doing well. Please if you pray do so for them. They have a long up hill journey to go. Check out their blog at

We are hoping we can make it back to MN for a visit this winter. Our goal is Christmas and New Years! FYI if you have plans to come visit us.

WE WANT VISITORS! Come and see us!!!! We miss our friends and family and want to show you are new adopted town. There is so much to see and do here plus the rest of Europe is waiting for you. Exchange rate is looking pretty good these days!

Tom our 15 year old kitty is doing well also. We have a nice backyard for him to hang out in (escorted by me of course) and we found a mouse so he's pretty happy. Can't seem to get it though. Mousing was Ted's passion. We miss you Ted! You would have loved this new flat.

We are still looking for renters for our house in MN. No takers yet. We lowered the rent from $2,300 to $2,000. Here's hoping we find someone soon. Would hate to have to sell or lose the house because we couldn't rent it. If you know of anyone who is looking for a house to rent please have them go to our website at for all the details.

Logan just started training to become a server at the Catholic English speaking mission we belong to here. He was so excited to follow in his Mother and Uncle Sean's foot steps. When I was a kid I don't remember it being so intense, but these folks take it very seriously. Logan goes every Friday evening from 5-6 pm. It's a nice time for me too as I get the opportunity to spend some time with my Lord! Logan will have the summer off now and will start back up in late August or early September. If all goes well he'll start serving in October. I'll be sure to post pictures.

So that's what we've been up to since I last posted. If I think of more I'll be sure to post again.

Have a lovely 4th of July everyone!

We miss you all!


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