Sunday, July 25, 2010

Three Weeks Off -- Yeah Right!

Logan finished school on July 2nd but had two weeks of fun camp following the last day of school. He had fun!

Connor is on break from his nursery school or kita as they call it here in Germany for three weeks. He's been home since July 12th.

Last week was my first week to have BOTH kids home. It's been an adjustment (that's all I'll say) but now that we've got the hang of it we are set for some fun fun fun this coming week.

Monday we head to the Berlin Zoo. Tuesday we go to the pool. Wednesday is our buffer day. Thursday we'll go to the farm, and Friday we'll head into Berlin's forest or what the Berliners call the Grunewalde.

We're pretty excited to have a plan. Last week we didn't but we also had very hot weather and only ventured out of the house in the morning. We don't have air and only one fan so the most you can do is read a book, watch a movie or just sit and sip a nice tasty beverage.

The last couple of days have been very pleasant here. In the low to mid 70s. I hope it continues. I haven't really looked so I hope our plans are still a go.

When Connor goes back to school on August 2nd Logan and I will be reading "The Graveyard Book". A wonderful gift from Logan's friend Juju. Thanks again Juju!!!! We'll take field trips to some of the more notable graveyards in town and do some research on ghosts. It should be loads of fun. Good practice too for school which will start back up on August 23rd.

My Mom sent the Percy Jackson and the Olympians books. I've been reading them and they are quite delightful. We'll read these too and do some research on the Greek gods. Maybe even get to some of Berlin's museums for a real look at some of the Greek/Roman art, sculpture, and myths.

Before we'll know it we'll be back at work and school. In the meantime we'll try to continue to enjoy our summer days and nights before they're gone.

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